
Discover the eco-friendly power of 3D design and Augmented Reality

Cutting down the CO2 emissions with Spatial Computing.

3D and AR are playing an increasingly important part in the future of sustainable business practices. That is why it is important to point out how these solutions not only enhance product design and visualization processes but also promote eco-friendly practices across various industries. Here is how we believe using interactive 3D designs made in Vectary can significantly reduce the environmental footprint for brands looking for innovative and sustainable business solutions.

1. Upgrade product design and prototyping:

Most traditional product design and prototyping can be resource-intensive, involving multiple iterations of physical samples. By switching to 3D designers can create and refine products in a virtual environment. This process not only speeds up the design cycle but also eliminates the waste generated from producing physical samples.

2. Offer immersive product showcases:

Brands no longer need vast physical spaces to showcase their products. Having products designed in 3D, means having multiple virtual showrooms that provide an immersive shopping experience. Retailers and consumers alike, can explore and interact with the product in a virtual space, reducing the need for large physical stores associated with high energy and resource consumption.

3. Cut-down on transportation:

Digital twins provide a way for customers to virtually interact with products before making a purchase. This reduces the necessity for transporting goods back and forth, thereby significantly cutting down on CO2 emissions associated with shipping.

4. Decrease inventory:

By using Vectary, brands can showcase their entire product range virtually and retailers can minimize the need for maintaining large physical inventories. Instead of filling up warehouses with products, they can offer an interactive virtual catalog that customers can explore online, and the brands can update as often as needed.

5. Lower product returns:

One of the common issues in e-commerce is the high rate of product returns due to mismatched expectations. Vectary’s AR solutions empower customers to make more informed decisions by providing a realistic preview of products in their intended environment. This results in fewer returns and less waste from unnecessary shipping, packaging, and handling.

Applications across various industries


Manufacturers can leverage interactive and animated 3D guides for remote maintenance and support, reducing the need for on-site visits, and lowering transportation emissions. Additionally, 3D can enhance training programs by providing interactive, hands-on learning experiences without the need for physical resources.

Transportation and Automotive

3D can become a valuable tool for everything from vehicle design to driver training. Automotive designers can use Vectary as a way to share their CAD designs reducing the need for physical prototypes and accelerating the design process. Interactive 3D designs can be used to explain and gather input, reducing the need for physical vehicles and fuel consumption.


Using AR is already widely used by furniture brands as it can significantly enhance the shopping experience by letting users visualize how pieces will look in their homes before making a purchase. This reduces the likelihood of returns and the associated environmental impact. For manufacturers, 3D can streamline the design and prototyping process, without using physical samples and therefore cutting down on material waste.


For industries that rely heavily on complex machinery, interactive, animated and detailed 3D scenes can provide substantial benefits in terms of maintenance and training. The users can open the 3D viewer on any mobile device, follow the explanation directly at the location, facilitating quicker and more accurate repairs. This reduces downtime and the need for physical manuals or additional on-site support. Additionally, portable 3D can be used to train operators on new equipment, providing a hands-on learning experience without the need for physical training equipment, thus saving resources and reducing waste.

Consumer goods

Interactive 3D design offers a transformative approach to product marketing and customer engagement for appliances, accessories, apparel, and even electronics can lead to more personalized and satisfactory shopping experiences, driving sales while being eco-friendly.

Overall product design

Design teams in any industry can benefit from Vectary’s interactive 3D and AR features for collaboration and visualization. Regardless of the industry, having a chance to share designs, integrate them easily into any 3D pipeline already set up, lets designers experiment with different materials, colors, and forms without creating physical mock-ups which saves time, cost, and resources.

Sustainability and innovation go hand in hand. By integrating advanced 3D and AR solutions into any business processes, it is possible to improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction while at the same time making a positive impact on the environment.

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